And there was the crisis…

Ding Dong. There I was sitting, unsuspecting, in front of my morning home brewed cappuccino when the doorbell rang. “Hello, may I introduce myself, I am the economic crisis.” At first I thought that I only had to deal with messages for the neighbors, as this is the custom on our street.

“I would just like to drop by,” the crisis said. For a moment I quickly thought to shut the door. But being nicely brought up, I let the crisis in.

“It will be on it’s way soon enough”, I thought hopefully. Unfortunately the crisis loved my cappuccino and was on my doorstep the next day. And the day after that, again and again.

I was somewhat shocked. Tried to deny his presence and felt a strong resistance and now and then some fear. Then I remembered the Kübler-Ross curve change model which is also used by my clients. So I could switch from resistance to acceptance and new opportunities and happily overcome apathy.

‘OK, if it is my turn now, I had better become friends with this crisis’, became my motto.  Because, quite frankly when do you give yourself a lot of time to contemplate and pay attention to your own personal development? Plus manage to take your child to the Rijks Museum at nine o’clock on a Monday morning?

Meanwhile I know more about healthy eating, and have exciting coaching assignments given to me. I helped starting entrepreneurs and also gave meditation classes. Also, in order to become a better facilitator and develop my intuition further, I followed a tough course. And read a stack of books.

The refreshed look and feel of my website are also the result of this fertile period. At this spot on my site I would like to talk about what motivates and inspires me. If you are curious, check in now and then. Or keep an eye on the social media.

If you would rather we meet in person, where we could meet up? Just give me a ring or email me, I will be happy to treat you to a cup of cappuccino.

Cappuccino - image for 'inspiratie'

More inspiration:
(Nederlands) Waarom is verandering toch zo taai?
(Nederlands) Minder denken is heel verstandig
(Nederlands) De oplossing zit in het systeem
From survival mode
85 percent chance that my assignment will fail…
A little less perfect please
Out of our minds
Why vulnerability is so needed
Work smart
And there was the crisis…