‘We know more than we know we know’

My purpose is to strengthen the vitality of systems, which is what, in the end, organisations are. So I look at what fits, and what doesn’t. I do what’s needed, map and make connections, facilitate dialogue, and help make the unknown known.

A systemic overview

I believe in looking widely and moving fast, while recognising that the people who work in the organisation are the expert. Working systemically, we define the organisation’s essence together. This involves open minds and zero preconceptions. No binary, ‘true-false’ choices, but the honest exploration of here-and-now realities, in all their shades of grey, and with the focus on the big picture. Always. The goal is to reveal what is hidden or repressed, and then work on it as needed – leaving some things untouched while transforming others.

Enabling change

My starting point is always the question being asked by the team or organisation. From this we determine the destination and how we are going to get there, and start to learn more about who we really are. What stories have become part of our DNA? What’s the organisational gossip? What routines and habits do we have? What are the real and perceived organisational structures? What’s the big picture here? What’s the question behind the question?

Change model

From: De Corporate Tribe – organisatielessen uit de antropologie

Then, with the future in mind, we ask questions. What needs to change and why? What is our change story? What role does – or should – organisational culture play in this? What interventions will we need and what is the timeline?

‘Doing change’ typically involves structural and process changes, and, often, the desire for a different culture. To achieve this, we need to create an ongoing dialogue and listen to each other’s stories, to each other’s gossip, and to the things that are unsaid as well. All with an open mind.

Communication and creativity 

Communication is essential to every change process. Communication helps us to nail down our change story and purpose, and to continually share experiences. It involves having real conversations and leveraging the power of repetition in a tone of voice that fits who you are or want to be. Here, my wide experience of using communication and creativity to achieve organisational change can help you make the switch from abstract ideas to concrete forward motion.